Saturday, January 14, 2012

Temptation from ukulele

I promise myself to study at least one hour per day starting on 2012
it's an aim for me so i could reach my target (asean scholarship)
it's sort of my new year resolution but i guess i failed. :(

sigh, being distracted by entertainment again.
ukulele is now my favourite music instrument (eventhough i haven't buy it yet)

and a game called tetris.
sigh, can't stop playing it.
i'll pledge allegiance to tetris batttle, that i'll stop playing when i reach rank 23.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

When someone tell you that they're sorry, do they really mean it?
or they just said it to made you continue to be friends/ love them?
to make you believe that they will change, and they're really guilty about that?
or is it just plain lies?

i'm really fed up of this.

i don't like to hate people. i don't
i just dislike what they did and still love/like them.
and right now, i dislike what you do.
If you still have heart,
stop it.

i'm really sick of it.